Kelvin Ling

All things Kelvin

Day 14: Be a Good Steward of Opportunities

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It has been a while since my last post, not because my journey has ended but quite the opposite.  My journey with God has grown immensely.  I am so blessed by His grace.

There is a recurring theme since I took my leap of faith and changed employers some months back, a friend recently asked if I regret leaving a large corporation to go to a small local start-up.  There is no doubt in my mind that I made the right decision and no hesitation to provide an answer and an update.

Where I am today would not be possible if I hadn’t taken care of past opportunities.  From what I can gather, it all started 2 employers ago.  I had just been placed on a new client project who 4 years later would be the large corporation whom I would leave in a leap of faith moment.  That initial project would lead me down a road of incredible opportunities and making some amazing connections.

Most of the opportunities presented to me I like to think I acted correctly.  I worked hard and was kind to those around me most of the time.  I do realize at times I was not the most pleasant person to be around, I accept that fault and has promised to not repeat the mistakes as I have been given a second chance.  Other times it was the result of the environment which lead to some lapse in judgement.

In looking back, I was presented one opportunity at a time and each opportunity I tried to be a good steward.  One after another, person after person and here I am.

Every day I look at each opportunity in a different light, even if it is one I would not normally review I keep an open mind and look at it as a stepping stone.  God brought it in front of  me for a reason and I just hope I don’t screw it up and ruin my chances of the current leading to a future opportunity.

Written by Kelvin

June 4, 2011 at 8:55 PM

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